⚖️What makes SafemoonTon different?
What makes SafemoonTon different than Tonraffles and Tonstarter ?
We offer a unique and innovative approach to token launches compared to other launchpads. Here are a few ways that we stand out:
Voting System: SafemoonTon allows community members to vote on each project and provide their input. This helps to provide a sense of accountability and transparency, giving investors the opportunity to write reviews under contributed projects.
Safe Tag: Projects that Burn or lock liquidity for over 10 years, have 100% of their tokens locked and add at least 60% of funds raised to Liquidity can earn the Safe tag, which is a symbol of SAFU and credibility. This tag lets investors know that the project is committed to long-term success and is less likely to engage in any malicious or fraudulent activities.
KYC Process: SafemoonTon offers an optional KYC procedure to prevent any malicious or fraudulent activities. However, unlike other launchpads, Safemoonton has an automated KYC process that makes it easier and more affordable for project owners to comply with these regulations.
Trending: SafemoonTon Launchpad provides a smart algorithm that takes into account various factors when determining which projects will trend on the platform.
Incubation program: Incubation program is our VIP launchpad experience. We provide luxury experience to projects meeting exceptional standards looking to launch on the TON blockchain. The first step of the process is to apply to launch. After which, we will work with you to ensure your project launches into the moon.
Community Incentives: SafemoonTon Launchpad gives SAFET holders allocations in incubated projects demonstrating strong fundamentals and a clear path to revenue. Part of the service fee for incubation program and tokens allocated to us will be shared with the SAFET Humpback and whales.
Overall, SafemoonTon provides a secure, innovative, and user-friendly platform for launching tokens and organizing initial token sales on TON Blockchain. With its focus on community involvement, security, and affordability, SafemoonTon is quickly becoming the go-to launchpad for projects looking to bring their token to the TON ecosystem.
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